
Thursday, 9 December 2021


Základy managementu (AJ) - Kurz doporučený pro doktorandy

Thursday, 9 December, 08:00 » 15:00
Site event
This course introduces students to the principles of management and provides the necessary basics for more specialized courses. It is very practical focusing on topics that young people are likely to meet at early stages of their career. The course has only 16 hours of lecture and exercises. While this is sufficient for setting the basics, it cannot possibly cover all management subjects. The course therefore focuses on three key areas: (1) Managing people (2) Organizing and leading, and (3) Deciding, planning and managing performance. The course will be fully case study based and students will derive the key management concepts from the cases. A particular care is paid to providing examples and discussing cases/problems that are relevant to students and take into account the potentially limited student work experience.

The course Fundamentals of Management (AP83701) differs from the course Základy managementu (P837001) and is therefore open and recommended to graduates of this course.

Uhelna (building A) or on-line

Organic waste as key-feedstock in a sustainable bio-economy: Smart resource recovery for energy, mat

Thursday, 9 December, 10:00 » 11:30
Site event
“Green is good”. Nowadays, it seems that the whole society, from governments to consumers, is focused on going green. More people eat less meat, buy in local shops and look for products that are made from plant material instead of fossil resources. All sorts of eco-labels are popping up faster than we can say “bio-based economy”.

If the demand becomes bigger, the supply needs to follow. But is this sustainable? Do we have enough plants (or biomass) available on the planet to foresee in this transition to a greener society? If we continue to use dedicated crops and high-purity feedstocks, the answer most probably will be: NO.

Therefore, we need to shift our R&D efforts to exploiting (organic) waste: kitchen waste, agricultural waste, food industry waste, etc. although very heterogenous in nature, they contain a vast amount of interesting and valuable compounds that we can exploit for fulfilling the needs of society. In the EU, millions of tons are produced each year and currently, only a limited number of high-value applications are developed and implemented in practice.

During my talk, I want to take you on a tour through the bio-based landscape of organic waste valorisation and show you some of the possibilities that could potentially help our society to become more sustainable.

Odkaz na přednášku: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/96553028902


Startup Night (mezi-univerzitní networking)

Thursday, 9 December, 19:00 » 22:00
Site event
Největší pražské univerzity se spojily, aby daly příležitost podnikavým studentům poznat další podobně smýšlející nadšence, představit projekty, získat užitečné kontakty a podpořit vznik inovací. Přijďte na velký mezi-univerzitní networking, na kterém si budete mít příležitost promluvit nejen s dalšími zajímavými foundery, ale také najmout proaktivní lidi. Tato akce totiž není určená jen pro zakladatele projektů. Pokud jste se úplně nezhlédli v korporátním světě a chtěli byste pomoci budovat rychle rostoucí ambiciózní projekt, není nic jednoduššího, než na akci dorazit taky a připojit se k některému z týmů! Rovněž bude příležitost dát se do řeči s investory, mentory nebo akademiky pohybující se v podnikatelské sféře.Startup Night je pořádána univerzitami ČZU, UK, VŠE a VŠCHT ve spolupráci s Pražským inovačním institutem, studentským spolkem SpoluPRACUJEME a digitálním startupovým průvodcem StartupBox. Podrobné informace včetně registrace najdete zde: https://www.startupnight.cz Akce se koná ve čtvrtek 9. 12. od 19:00 online na platformě Zoom. (Link bude včas odeslán všem registrovaným účastníkům.) Těšíme se na vás!Tým Startup Night