
Thursday, 26 September 2019


Uni-Art Jóga s Kristýnou

Site event
Návrat do školních lavic a laboratoří je náročný nejen pro naše hlavy, ale i záda, nohy a ruce. A proto, a nejen proto, si přijď urovnat myšlenky, protáhnout končetiny a narovnat páteř jen pár kroků od přednáškových místností.

Rezervace míst je každý týden pomocí doodle odkazu. Odkaz najdete na facebookových stránkách https://www.facebook.com/events/1772981022834148/?event_time_id=1772981026167481

Náročnost lekcí bude uzpůsobena schopnostem skupiny.Jógamatky s sebou!Akce určena pro studenty a zaměstnance VŠCHT PrahaVstupné dobrovolnéÁsanam zdar! UNI ART

Budova A, Uhelna

New generations of electrochromic materials and devices: Toward smarter windows

Thursday, 26 September, 10:00 » 10:50
Site event
Pozvánka na přednášku

Electrochromism in transition metal oxides (WO3, NiO, V2O5) has been studied since decades. This phenomenon is based on the reversible modulation of the optical characteristics of a material when an external voltage is applied, associated with redox processes based on electrons and ions transfers. Numerous growing applied devices are based on this technology: rear-view mirrors, displays, eyewear and so-called “smart windows” exploited for energy-efficient fenestration in glass buildings.

Recent advances in the field target the design of more energy-saving and functional materials. Therefore, plasmonic nanocrystals of highly doped metal oxides such as tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) are acknowledged for their ability to regulate the heat supply related to near-infrared radiations independently of their optical behavior in the visible (light input). This ability is based on a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) mechanism which is related to their size, shape and doping ratio/distribution.

Extensively studied for almost 10 years, plasmonic nanocrystals are classically obtained from surfactant-assisted colloidal synthesis processes exploiting molecular precursors in liquid phase at moderate temperature (150–400°C) and under inert atmosphere. Hydro- and solvothermal protocols can also lead to the controllable synthesis of such compounds under mild conditions (
VŠCHT Praha, budova A, učebna A12

Prezentace společnosti VWR

Thursday, 26 September, 10:00 » 14:00
Site event
Na akci VWR International si budete moci prohlédnout nové přístroje, vzorky či katalogy a budete moci diskutovat např. servisní smlouvy.

vestibul budovy A