
Thursday, 12 September 2019


Veřejné zakázky ve vědě a výzkumu program beta2 TAČR, tendry v eu

Thursday, 12 September, 09:30 » 11:00
Site event

Seminář je určen administrativním pracovníkům a vědcům, kteří mají zájem dozvědět se o možnostech ucházet se o veřejné zakázky ve vědě a výzkumu v ČR a EU, zejména pak o zakázky zadávané Evropskou komisí.

Obsah semináře:

veřejné zakázky programu BETA2 v ČR, tendry vyhlašované v „Tenders Electronic Daily“ a „Funding and tender opportunities portal“, aplikace ANLUPA.


Ing. Margita Pištorová, Technologická agentura ČR

Gabriela Matoušková, MBA, Coventry University

Mgr. Alena Králová, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze

Ing. Pavel Koudelák, Ph.D., České vysoké učení technické v Praze

S ohledem na kapacitu místnosti se prosím registrujte

ČVUT, budova A (Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3), zasedací místnost A303, 3. patro

Zasedání AS FTOP

Thursday, 12 September, 14:00 » 16:00
Site event
Návrh programu:

Projednání a schválení změn v Jednacím řádu AS FTOPProjednání a schválení změn ve Volebním řádu AS FTOP
knihovna Ústavu energetiky (B166a)

Evoluce před biologií

Thursday, 12 September, 18:00 » 20:00
Site event
Before the emergence of a cell with well-defined membranes, genetic material, transcription and translation system, and replication, life would need to begin from complex chemical mixtures that would, one way or another, ultimately result in those complex structures. In biology, we rely on evolutionary processes to discover complex structures which would be impossible to spontaneously emerge fully formed. In a chemical world, we would like to rely on the same kind of evolutionary account to explain things such as the discovery of catalysts, cell membranes, and ribosomes. However, there are many things we can take for granted in biology, which are non-trivial in chemical systems. While genetic replication can preserve arbitrary information (unlimited heredity), autocatalytic chemical systems exhibit only limited heredity that can only preserve some kinds of information. Whereas there are well-defined separations between individuals that let us use the concept of populations in biology, in chemistry the evolutionary units of individuality are unclear. And while in biology, selection pressures are all focused through the replication of the cell or organism as a whole, in chemistry not all things which would be good for the individual are able to be selected. In this talk, I go over our attempts to quantify and detect concepts such as heredity and selectability as they apply to (simulated) chemical reaction networks, and will share results on how evolution in chemical systems may have its own character markedly distinct from biological evolution.

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