
Thursday, 24 January 2019


Přihlašování na kurzy sítě A.T.H.E.N.S.

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Chcete zažít něco netradičního, poznat nové lidi, procvičit si angličtinu, obohatit si CVíčko a ještě k tomu dostat finanční podporu (v průměrné výši 7.800Kč) a 2ECTS k tomu? Přihlaste se na kurz v rámci sítě ATHENS, které se letos uskuteční v termínu 16. – 24. března v různých městech po celé Evropě (Paříž, Madrid, Lisabon, Vídeň, Leuven a další).

Termín odevzdání přihlášek je do 29. ledna 2019, tak to nepromeškejte! Více informací na http://bit.ly/kurzy-athens


Gaudeamus Praha

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XII. ročník evropského veletrhu pomaturitního a celoživotního vzdělávání.

PVA EXPO Praha - Letňany

Konverze sacharidů - od přípravy katalyzátoru po výběr reaktoru

Thursday, 24 January, 10:00 » 11:30
Site event
Prezentace prof. Harry Bittera z Wageningen Univerzity v Nizozemí


Renewable feedstocks will play an essential role in the future for making sustainable chemical building blocks and fuels. Up to now the majority of the desired molecules are produced from fossil resources. Since the chemical nature of renewable, biobased, feedstocks is different compared to fossil resources, e.g., biobased feedstocks contain more oxygen, new challenges lay ahead. One has to decide which molecules to produce (drop-in vs near drop-in vs new molecules) and how to produce them efficiently. Here I will show, using as few show cases pertaining to carbohydrate conversion, that catalyst development, kinetics analysis, pathway evaluation and choice of reactor are essential to arrive at efficient catalytic processes. For the oxidation of starch-based feedstocks over Pt on carbon catalysts, it will be shown that the oxidation/reduction treatments during catalyst synthesis play a crucial role in determining the performance of the catalyst. It will also be shown that a good understanding of the role of composition (molecular weight distribution) of the feedstock on the reaction kinetics is essential in order to arrive at targeted products. In addition, it will be shown that for oxidations, in this case the oxidation of galacturonic acid, the switch from a batch reactor to a (three phase) flow reactor has potential but comes with some new challenges [1]. Also in this case understanding the reaction pathways and understanding of the different chemistries is essential. In that way it was possible to design a pathway from galacturonic acid to furan dicarboxylic acid esters (FDCA-esters) without the formation of the, in this case, undesired levulinic acid [2].

1. F. van der Klis, L. Gootjes, J. van Haveren, D. S. van Es, and J. H. Bitter., React.Chem.Eng, 3 (2018) 540 – 5492. F. van der Klis, J. van Haveren, D. S. van Es and J.H. Bitter, ChemSusChem, 10 (2017) 1460-1468

posluchárna B 08, budova B, VŠCHT Praha